8th to April 14th, 2017
catch success rate, all species combined: 70%
Numbers at a glance: Billfish
35%, Tuna 0%, Dorado 0%, other 30%.

Angler Matt Glenn shows off this striped marlin estimated at around 180lbs, just before being released back into the water aboard the Pisces La Brisa
This week we saw some days with great marlin
catches while others days were better for inshore. As last week we were
catching yellowfin tuna, and now this week it seems like they moved out of the
area with none being landed. However, to make up for it we had a great variety
of inshore fishes, we had: red snapper, skipjack, triggerfish, sierra mackerel,
ladyfish, red snapper and grouper, as well as mako and hammerhead sharks
Most of the fishing took place either at the Cabrillo seamount or
the 11:50 spot, while those targeting inshore species went up along the Pacific
side. The Pisces Tracy Ann captained by Julio Castro was our
top marlin boat this week, catching and releasing four striped marlin on two
separate days. On the 8th they were fishing with some clients from Cleveland Ohio out
between the 11:50 and Cabrillo spots; while on their second trip they fished
just at Cabrillo with some anglers from Priset River, Idaho.
The Pisces
Ruthless, captained by Roberto Padilla, also had a really good day on
the 8th,
catching and releasing four striped marlin on cocinero live bait at the
Cabrillo seamount for some anglers from Illinois.

Captain Cesar Cota of the 24ft panga Pichurro with a 35lbs yellowtail landed at San Cristobal.
While fishing some 37
miles offshore from Chileno beach, captain Erick Orozco of the Pisces Hot Rod
put his anglers from California on a really nice catch, a 50 pound wahoo, a
very nice treat indeed for this fishermen.
The inshore bite saw varied action,
on the 13th the Pichurro panga put its lone angler from Colorado on a beautiful
35 pound yellowtail just off of San Cristobal. The Pisces Adriana captained by
Nicolas Winkler was fishing at Los Arcos when they put their anglers from New
York City on nine sierra mackerel of around six pounds and a nice 10lbs
Fishing much closer to the Pisces dock than usual, the panga
Poseidon had nine ladyfish, two red snapper, two skipjack and a large
hammerhead that was released, estimated at around 200lbs; these were all
brought in by some anglers from North Carolina.

Captain Eric Orozco of the Pisces Hot Rod holds up this nice 50lbs wahoo, caught on caballito live bait
LOCATION: 11:50 Spot, Cabrillo seamount and inshore on the Pacific side.
WEATHER CONDITIONS: Clear skies and mostly calm seas all week, with average air temps in
the high 70´s.
LURES: Caballito and cocinero live bait.
Based on the catches of Pisces Sportfishing Fleet by
Glenn Ehrenberg
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information on our exclusive package deals that combine your fishing trip with
a stay at a beautiful private residence, please don't hesitate to contact us, or
click on the link below to browse properties: Luxury Villas and Residences
featured property above is the Peninsula Penthouse. This property is extremely
close to the Pisces Dock, and includes a top of the line outdoor barbecue,
where you can grill your catch. Sit back, relax and enjoy the view after a long
day of fishing.
Author: Tracy Ehrenberg
Date Published: 4/18/2017